Zap Collar
Zap Collar

The idea of putting a “zap collar” on your beloved dog concerns some people – even if it is to keep your pet safe in the confinements of your property. The dictionary definition of “zap” is to “destroy or obliterate”! Some older zap collars from yesteryear might not have quite done that, but they also weren’t particularly humane.
The good news is that many modern dog collars will not “zap” your dog. The old “zap collar” has been largely replaced by a safe and dog-friendly “electronic collar”. In fact, old zap collars have been outlawed in some Australian states under animal protection acts. At Hidden Fence Central Coast & Hunter, we sell and install only the best in electronic dog collars.
We are an authorized reseller of DogWatch® products, a trusted industry leader in safe and effective electronic dog collars and hidden fences. DogWatch® products have been designed and engineered in the United States for more than 40 years and have kept pets safe in backyards and on properties across Australia for more than 20 years. DogWatch® Hidden Fences are the only internationally supported professional-grade dog fence systems available in Australia and have a success rate of 99.9%.
How is an electronic collar different to a zap collar?
Unlike a traditional electric fence used to contain livestock, an electronic dog collar will not “zap” your pet if they try to cross their set boundary. Our DogWatch® electronic dog collars utilise what is known as electronic stimulation (ES) to correct behaviour – not an electric zap or an electric shock.
This comes in the form of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), which artificially stimulates nerves and sensory receptors. Ever heard of a TENS Machine?
TENS technology is used by humans as a form of pain relief without medicine and while not comfortable, will not harm your dog. DogWatch® electronic dog collars have only 1 millijoule of stored discharge energy, which is defined as “a threshold of feeling, or tingling sensation”.
The amount of electronic stimulation used can also be adjusted to suit your dog’s size and temperament.
Does the dog get a warning before the electronic simulation?
The electronic simulation on a DogWatch® electronic dog collar will only be activated if your dog ignores a clear warning and gets too close to close to the hidden fence boundary.
When your pet gets close to the boundary (usually within 300mm – 2m of the wire, a distance that is adjustable on your transmitter), an audible warning tone will sound to remind them not to cross.
It is only if that warning is ignored that the collar will emit a suitable electronic stimulation to prevent your pet from crossing the boundary. Within a short time and some basic training, this electronic stimulation should very rarely be activated – if ever. They “know” where it is and just stay away.
Unlike old zap collars, DogWatch® electronic dog collars and Hidden Fences are used and recommended by veterinarians, pet professionals and dog trainers all over the world.
They are the best way to keep your dog securely contained within your property – without harming your beloved pet.