Electric Collar
Electric Collar

If you want to install a new Hidden dog Fence, your pet is going to need to wear a special collar called a receiver collar.
This system has been around for 40+ years, and some people refer to the collar as an electric collar – or ‘shock collar’ which is not quote correct.
These first electric collars – which hit the market in the early 1960s – would give an electric shock to the dog in a moment of pain. These early electric shock collars aimed to discourage the dog from exhibiting forms of undesirable behaviour. However, these electric collars were far from pleasant for dogs who wore them.
In Australia, some states have banned the use of remote controlled electric collars and shock collars under animal protection acts.
The good news is that new technology has emerged which has replaced electric dog collars with a safer, more humane and legal option – electronic dog collars.
These new electronic dog collars are now widely used across Australia for training purposes and pet containment, in conjunction with hidden fences.
At Hidden Fence Central Coast & Hunter, we sell and install only the best electronic dog collar products which – unlike electric collars – are safe for your dog to wear and are effective for training.
What is the difference between the old technology electric dog collars and new generation electronic dog receiver collars?
Remote controlled electric dog collars – or ‘shock collars’ – provide an electric shock to the dog to correct behaviour or assist in training the dog to verbal commands.
The newer electronic dog collars instead use electronic stimulation (ES) technology to correct behaviour and keep pets safely within the boundary of their Hidden Fence.
The electronic stimulation is not a ‘shock’ but is rather a TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) signal. TENS technology is used in modern medicine on humans to treat muscle and nerve pain and therefore won’t hurt your pet but is uncomfortable enough to change their mind about potential escape from their boundary.
Before delivering any electronic stimulation, the collar will give your dog an audio beep warning if they approach too close to the Hidden Fence. If the dog ignores that warning beeps and attempts to cross the boundary, the electronic stimulation will then be activated. However if they retreat (which they will after a little training), no stimulation is activated.
Best electronic dog collars in Australia
At Hidden Fence Central Coast & Hunter we don’t sell and install any old electronic dog collars.
We are the authorised Dealer of DogWatch® Hidden Fence products, which are the only internationally supported professional grade systems available in Australia. The DogWatch® range of electronic dog collars and Hidden Fence solutions receive excellent reviews and are used and recommended by dog trainers, veterinarians and animal welfare organisations across the world.
Our DogWatch® Hidden Fences have a 99.9% success rate and are backed by a money-back guarantee if professionally installed which includes training.
Get a Hidden Dog Fence today
If you want to install a Hidden Dog Fence, order the safest and highest-quality electronic dog fence from the DogWatch® range from Hidden Fence Central Coast & Hunter.
For those with the tools, muscle and time, we sell DogWatch® Hidden Fence DIY kits or alternatively, if you are in our service area (which is vast), we can fully install a new Hidden Fence system for you – including a training session for you and your dog.