Flagging, Collar Set Up & Training
Flagging, Collar Set Up & Training
So, your Hidden Fence is all installed, powered on and operational.
Job done, right?
Not quite.
It is unfair on your pet to clip on their receiver collar and let them figure out their new boundary lines alone.
A little additional training is a vital step in the success of your new Hidden Fence and ensuring your pet understands it sooner rather than later.
If done right, a short training phase could be the only time your pet will ever receive an electronic stimulation.
Receiver collars for Hidden Fences will provide an audio warning to your dog if they get close to the boundary line. It is only if they ignore that warning that an electronic stimulation will be activated.
However, in addition to the audio warnings, the use of visual cues in the initial training phase is also highly recommended. The best way to do this is by using flags.
It is vital this flagging is done correctly, so as not to cause confusion for your pet.
The flags should not be placed along the boundary wire, but instead where the audio warning beep is first heard. This distance is customisable via the Range setting on the transmitter. This will allow your dog to fully associate the audio warning with the visual element of the flags.
If they continue past the flags – which will be rare after some training – a stimulation will occur.
Flags are removed over a 6-week period. After 2-weeks remove every 2nd flag. After 4-weeks remove every second flag again. After 6 weeks they can all be packed away. From then on your dog will still be receiving an audio warning of its boundary area and will know to retreat.
Training flags are included as part of our DIY kits and professionally installed packages, while additional flags are available for purchase from our online store. We also offer a Flag n Train service for clients with existing systems but have purchased a new dog.
Receiver Collar Set Up
All dogs are different and that’s why receiver collars come in a range of sizes and are able to be adjusted between different stimulation levels.
Larger, fluffier dogs will need a different collar to smaller, short-haired dogs.
The DogWatch® R9, R7M (Mini) and SF (Smart Fence) receiver collars each have seven adjustable levels of stimulation and come with a 5 year warranty, while the R12 and R12M (Mini) collars in our DIY kits have four levels of stimulation and come with a 3 year warranty.
It is important to begin training on the lowest level of stimulation, regardless of the size of the dog and their breed.
During training, it may be evident that the level of stimulation needs to be increased a little – or more significantly depending on your dog and their breed.
The key to the success of your Hidden Fence providing peace of mind for many years to come is proper training after installation. Not completing proper training could not only cause your new system to let you down but is also highly unfair on your pet.
It is recommended that you complete training sessions with your pet 6-12 times (or 2-3 times a day) after your hidden fence is installed – or until you feel that they understand and respect their new containment boundaries. Training sessions are usually only 10-15 minutes each.
You will often see positive results in the very first session, but repetition in different locations around the boundary is still crucial over the following days.
Need help getting started?
At Hidden Fence Central Coast & Hunter, we provide an initial training session for you and your dog as part of our fully installed packages. We also offer this flagging and training service to existing clients who have a Hidden Fence system already set up or have purchased a home with an existing system.
We will show you how the system works, set up your receiver collar correctly, set out the training flags correctly and teach you the training techniques & tips to get you on the right path.
Hidden Fence Fully Installed packages can be purchased through our online store or by completing our online enquiry form, (we will call you back), or calling us on 0402 993 464 to discuss your requirements.